Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brotherhood Scholarship 2010 (Final collection: Rs 203,002)

Dear All,

We have come to the end of yet another successful year of brilliant team effort called Brotherhood Scholarship Fund. It is even heartening to share that we have managed to reach the target we had set at the beginning. Total collection for this year is Rs 203,002 (Rs two lacs, three thousands and two only). This is the highest so far has been possible only because of the relentless support from all of you.

This year we have got a few new contributors too. We welcome them to this movement. It is your encouragement that keeps us moving and keeps us motivated.  

A list is attached with the names and amount being contributed by each individual. One particular brother has requested to keep his name secrete. We respect his wish.

Some statistics- we had 55 contributors this time, down from 56 we had last time. We have 12 new contributors. That means 13 of our friends from the last year could not join in. This is a worrying sign. We need to think about it- how to make sure that we get more people on board, while not losing old ones.

While talking to different brothers, we were happy to note that quite a few of us have great ideas on how to make this initiative even better. We also had a few suggestions on improving connectivity among members. We also had concerns on a few aspects. Keeping all these points in mind, we are going to start a debate/ discussion in our blog ( within next few weeks. Would request all of you to participate. I would send an email reminder once we start the same.

As far as further logistic is concerned, Manna is going to arrange a draft and would visit Narndrapur to handover the sum to college authority. We would share the scan copy of the draft and the receipt with you all. If anyone wants to accompany Manna to Narendrapur, please get in touch with him directly for the timing and arrangements.

That's it for today. Would be back with the recipt copy soon. All the information would also be available on our Blog, Facebook, Orkut and tweeter.

Do not hesitate to write back if you want to have any clarification. Thanks once again for your support.

Gautam, Manna & Avi.

Subhasis Manna
Gautam Debnath
Avijit Das +44 7776 49 1412

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